It’s time to VOTE like the Earth Depends on It

On or before November 8, it’s time to vote like the Earth depends on it. 

Amidst the swirl of issues facing us– from the war in Ukraine, post-pandemic supply chain recovery, runaway inflation, a woman’s right to choose, ongoing gun violence, and political polarization to name a few– there is perhaps one with the most dire consequences for our life on this planet: fossil fuel driven Climate Change.

The problems of the present cannot distract us from what we know about the future, for the future is unfolding as we speak: Unprecedented drought and wildfires, unprecedented floods, increasingly severe storms, life-threatening heat waves, melting arctic ice and sea level rise, permafrost and ocean degradation, and the creation of millions of climate refugees

For the future of life on Earth, we must make decarbonization and greenhouse gas reduction a priority. 

So please pick wisely this November. Find out what candidates are saying about climate change, and what they are prepared to do about it. And VOTE ACCORDINGLY. The clock is ticking.

Paul Friedrichs MD

Board Chair, NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action


You need a bath…


Opposition to Chemical Recycling