
“Accounting For The Health Costs of Climate-Sensitive Events”

Dr. Vijay Limaye, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), is a climate and health scientist in NRDC’s Science Office. As an epidemiologist, he is broadly interested in addressing international environmental health challenges—quantifying, communicating, and reducing the risks associated with climate change—with a focus on the public health burdens of air pollution and extreme heat. At NRDC, he leads economic valuation research and advocacy to understand and address the significant health costs of climate change and he works to defend the science that underpins the Clean Air Act.

Lucy Hodder, Professor of Law and Director of Health Law and Policy Programs for the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, will introduce Dr Limaye and moderate the Q & A segment.

This event is co-sponsored by the NH Public Health Association and NH Medical Society.


“Clinicians, Hospitals, Health Systems, Communities: Specific Actions to Stop Climate Change”


“Measurable impacts of climate change on workforce, workplaces and on workers health”